29 February 2024
I was gifted the beautiful opportunity to utilise Clementine’s therapeutic services last year in March.  She guided me and opened up a space that allowed me to release trapped emotions that had been built up for a period of time.  I felt incredibly safe and supported to do so in what she created. Clementine has a magical energy and would highly recommend her to anyone.
29 February 2024
I first received Clementine’s body-work at the beginning of 2023. I wasn’t sure what I was signing up for… It was one of the best decisions I made that year. Since then I have received Clementine’s work in two more ocassions, and if it was up to me I would go see her monthly!
I have never experienced the energies in my body move like this… With such intensity! Each body is different, each soul is unique… Clementine’s work is not only professional and intuitive, it is magical! Every time I end up in a state of bliss, no matter how strong the physical sensations were during the session I always wake up as if sleeping on cloud. I highly recommend her to everyone.
8 January 2024

I felt a bit sore after the massage because things were moving. I observed that you rescued me, from my own story making, which wasnt even looking good. Now feeling more authentic, its all in alingment with everything else thats going on at the moment. I have been working away quite happily last few days – so very busy but had a very good sleep last night, previous two nights were cut short by early morning starts. Slept very well last night when I think about it now… I thank you for the sessions, they were perfect.

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